The people of India have many physical and economic needs. As is unfortunately the case, children often suffer under these conditions. NMM has seven children’s homes throughout India reaching children with the life and promises of God.
The people of India have many physical and economic needs. As is unfortunately the case, children often suffer under these conditions. NMM has seven children’s homes throughout India reaching children with the life and promises of God.
The Challenge
Life is unimaginably hard in the villages of North India, where thousands of children live in poverty, malnutrition and disease. Worse still, they lack the opportunity to improve their live, because there is no education or training in practical skills.
An average village family income is $8 to $15 a month. Many children do not attend school because their families cannot afford it. From a very early age the parents make their children work on the farm or at home instead of sending them to school.
Not all villages have schools. Sometimes children have to walk 5 to 10 miles to go to the nearest school.
Given the motivation and opportunity of going to school, these children could develop vocational skills which would enable their families to break out of the cycle of poverty forever. An that’s where NMM – with your support – can help.
Success Stories
We brought Viram to our school at the age of 6. His parents did not want him to study because by doing so they would lose a helper on their farm. Viram studied in our school right from nursery up to high school. When he graduated from high school he could have chosen any career. Instead, he chose to get trained in our Bible College to become a missionary among his own Bhil tribe. He is now teaching at our school and is in charge of our Children’s home in Kotra, where he himself grew up. He also leads a small village church.
What We Do
The child sponsorship project is designed to ensure that children in the villages of north India are able to receive a good education and care in a Christian setting. Already, NMM has schools and children’s homes in different villages providing education and residential care for over 300 children.
We ask you to hold out a helping hand to a child who urgently needs it. You can do this by agreeing to sponsor a child.