Dhawadi is a medium size village located in Jhabua Tehsil of Jhabua district, Madhya Pradesh, India. In Full Dhawadi village, most of the village population is from Schedule Tribe (97%). This village too is very dry and has a very scarce source of water. The villagers used to travel many miles to fetch water from a common well dug by the government. But during summer, the well gets dried up and the villagers had no other source of water. Pastor Bachu Singh is working in Jhabua who visits this village regularly to minister to a small group of people. The villagers requested Pastor Bachu to help alleviate the issue of water scarcity in the village. Pastor Bachu, in turn informed us about the village and we helped them dig a tube well, again 350 feet deep, but was unable to find water. The villagers were disheartened but Pastor Bachu didn’t lose heart, he prayed and asked the people to fix the hand pump. To everyone’s astonishment after fixing the hand pump they were able to get water. Now the whole village is thankful towards those who extended their hands in getting the tube well erected. This has now helped Pastor Bachu to approach the villagers to share the gospel with much more confidence. They are so thankful to the Life outreach International for the great help for this village